Sunday 9 December 2012

RfC: Decoupled Client Architectures

Preparing a talk about decoupled client architectures (coming from Multi-Screen/Responsive Design I am trying to work out the different trends.

The currently most trending client architectures could be:
1) SOFEA (as in Flex, GWT, AngularJS, Backbone.js for instance)
2) ROCA (as in Play for instance)
3) CQRS (might be orthogonal, not sure, maybe Calatrava and Cocktails could be an example)

If I try to categorize them, ROCA stands out because it relies on "Unobtrusive JavaScript". So obviously it could be considered "Static" rather than "Dynamic" (i.e. the representation is fixed, might only be augmented for usability reasons). SOFEA and CQRS differ in how they handle parallel events. SOFEA stems from a more traditional GUI heritage, abstracting client/server away from the client, while CQRS makes the client very aware of parallel events by forcing it to react to events. That's why I would consider SOFEA close to ROCA, but have an independent representation which can only work locally without the server because they quite heavily rely on something coming back. I am not yet convinced the distinction is rock-solid as one could also argue ROCA is asynchronous because it allows for more versatility by enforcing hypertext.

Hence, a possible matrix could be:

Now, the lower right corner is native Android (not web-based so it does not really count) because Activites (Screens) themselves are usually rather static but rely on messaging and have almost no control about the task flow.

Glad about comments.

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